George Rizsanyi with Voyageur, photographed by Sándor Fizli
Sara Nasr photographed by Sándor Fizli
Jowi with Voyageur, photographed by Sándor Fizli
Sándor Fizli photographed by Blaine Philippi
Doug Nicholson and Andrea Dixon photographed by Sarah Gillett
Blaine Philippi and Bob Stamp photographed by Sándor Fizli
The people behind the project
Over the course of the 11 years it took from conception to realization of the project, countless people were involved in multiple capacities: as advisors and researchers, as donors and videographers, as writers and designers and many other important roles. Just about all of them are thanked by name in the credits of the Six String Nation book.
The people who conceived the project, built the guitar and defined its introduction to the world are the ones you see here.
Jowi Taylor
Peabody Award winning broadcaster, author and progenitor of the Six String Nation.