John Ware
Wayne Gretzky
Hand Hills Lake
Blood Tribe
Nephrite Jade
The Golden Spruce
Jack Uppal
Nancy Greene
DHC-2 Beaver
Fan Tan Alley
St. Michael's
Lucky Stone
St. Boniface Oak
The Machault
Hartland Covered Bridge
Cape Race Lighthouse
Red Ochre
The Christmas Seal
Pier 21
Bluenose II
St. John's Anglican
Sydney Steel
NS Home for
Coloured Children
Muskox Horn
Whale Baleen
Walrus Tusk
Mammoth Ivory
Acasta Gneiss
Wildcat Café
James Naismith
Beaver Mine Silver
Maid of the Mist
Library of Parliament Copper
Parliament door frame
Sir John A
Moose Antler
Pipe Stone
Nickel Ingots
The Hoito
Group of Seven
Studio Building
Paul Henderson
Massey Hall
L.M. Montogmery
J.R.'s Bar
Joe Labobe
Tyler Aspin
Doucet House
Manoir Papineau
Fairmount Bagel
Rocket Richard
Montréal Forum
Pierre Trudeau
John Ware
Wayne Gretzky
Hand Hills Lake
Blood Tribe
Nephrite Jade
The Golden Spruce
Jack Uppal
Nancy Greene
DHC-2 Beaver
Fan Tan Alley
St. Michael's
Lucky Stone
St. Boniface Oak
The Machault
Hartland Covered Bridge
Cape Race Lighthouse
Red Ochre
The Christmas Seal
Pier 21
Bluenose II
St. John's Anglican
Sydney Steel
NS Home for
Coloured Children
Muskox Horn
Whale Baleen
Walrus Tusk
Mammoth Ivory
Acasta Gneiss
Wildcat Café
James Naismith
Beaver Mine Silver
Maid of the Mist
Library of Parliament Copper
Parliament door frame
Sir John A
Moose Antler
Pipe Stone
Nickel Ingots
The Hoito
Group of Seven
Studio Building
Paul Henderson
Massey Hall
L.M. Montogmery
J.R.'s Bar
Joe Labobe
Tyler Aspin
Doucet House
Manoir Papineau
Fairmount Bagel
Rocket Richard
Montréal Forum
Pierre Trudeau