Including the portrait feature as part of your event brings an extra special dimension to the experience - literally putting history in the hands of your audience, your community, your staff, your friends - and creates a precious memento.
There are additional costs as well as facilities and volunteer requirements to operate the station.
You also need to have the time in your schedule to run it. We like to give every subject our full attention. Every subject receives multiple photos from their session and can take the time to do solo shots, special poses, shots with friends, family, colleagues, pets, etc.
While the portrait feature is a requirement for festival events, for most others it is optional. Costs can be partly or fully offset by recognizing sponsors on the finished portraits that are distributed electronically following the event. While we are OK with people taking their own candid photos with Voyageur
provided certain security and volunteer requirements are met, including the portrait feature makes them part of the project.
In rare instances, we can also conduct bespoke portrait sessions outside of other events. To learn more, visit our Bookings page.